Garden Route Life Jeffreys Bay | Forum
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Art Lovers

Buy a cave, live there for the rest of your life. Allow no one to see your art– ever.

In your will, leave directions to where your art is hidden, so that someone somewhere can show and sell it once you’ve transitioned to the great beyond.

But seriously, if your goal is to show your art publicly, then you have to take the risk of presenting it online. These days, that’s the number one way to spread the word about what you’re doing… and there’s no close second. If you do not want to show your art publicly, then connect with like minded people on this forum…for the love of ART!



Even though there’s a bowls club in pretty much every town I think young people kind of just walk past them and feel it is a ‘secret old people’s business’.

Its not, its hot, its happening, so bowl lovers share your love for the game, connect and get more people in love with the sport, even the young people!



Twenty years from now; You will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, Than by the ones that you did.   So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. DISCOVER… Boating!



Connect with fellow cyclists, because we all get nervous before races of all sizes, because mechanical tips are always welcome, we take the whole coffee-loving cyclist stereotype very seriously, and we all want more hours in the saddle than in the office!

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you have to keep moving

– Albert Einstein